Ryhall 12 Garden Roses Bouquet



Delight in this stunning arrangement of 12 exquisite English garden roses in a harmonious blend of pale pink and lavender hues. The gentle tones make the Ryhall Bouquet an ideal choice for a variety of occasions. Whether it's an elegant dinner party, a birthday celebration, an anniversary, a wedding, a baby shower, or any special moment, this bouquet adds a touch of refined beauty to every event.
Laura Ashley garden roses are hand-cut, hand-graded and hand-packed in distinctive Laura Ashley branded sleeves to ensure an unblemished arrival at your doorstep.

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Special One Time Offer: 

Add a Luxury Crystal Vase at 51% OFF

Click +ADD to make your gift extra special with this Premium Crystal Vase for just $97. (51% Off Regular Price is $197, you save $100). 
This offer is not available at ANY other time or place

Special One Time Offer: 

Twice The Roses + Deco Greens at 80% OFF

Click +ADD Blow them away! Double the Roses (48 Roses Total) for just $47. (80% Off Regular Price). 
This offer is not available at ANY other time or place